
2019 BNPパリバ・オープンを見る Watching 2019 BNP PARIBAS OPEN

* English follows Japanese.

WTA(女子テニス協会)がYou tubeにあげた試合の完全映像の中に2019 BNPパリバ・オープンの決勝戦のものがあったので、見た。この決勝戦は、カナダからの若きスター、ビアンカ・アンドレスキューを世に知らしめたとものして記憶に新しい。18歳のアンドレスキューは、この大会で、ドイツのアンゲリク・ケルバーをくだしてセリナ・ウィリアムズと並ぶ最年少の(BNPパリバの)チャンピオンとなると同時に、ワイルドカードから優勝を手にした初の選手となった。





* テニスにおけるワイルドカードとは、大会に参加するにはランキングが足りない選手に対して主催者の推薦により参加を認める制度。
In the full matches uploaded on You tube by WTA (Women’s Tennis Association), there was the finals for 2019 BNP Paribas Open, so I watched it.  This final was fresh in my memory as the game that introduced young Bianca Andreescu to the world.  The 18 year old Andreescu beat Angelique Kerber from Germany to be the youngest player to claim the title next to Serena Williams, and to be the first Wild Card player to become the champion.
The game ran to three sets, in which Andreescu took the first set 6-4, but lost the second  3-6, and took the third 6-4 to barely win the game.  By watching the video, you can see that it is not by an utterly overwhelming strength that she was able to win.
When you watch the video, you realize that Andreescu does not seem to have an extreme advantage as a tennis player.  Whereas Kerber is muscular, and her body is well in shape, Andreescu, although she is large, does not have a lean, muscular figure.  She is rather chubby, and a bit knock-kneed making her drag her feet as she walk.  The length between her knee to her foot seems shorter than between her knee and the hip.  It looks as if she does not have an advantageous build as an athlete.
The BNP Paribas Open is held in Indian Wells, which is a city in the desert in southern California.  The highest temperature on the day of the finals, March 17, rose to 30.  Under a clear, blue sky and the hot sun, the game lasted for 2 and a half hours.  The video does not convey how hot it was, or how much the heat wore down the players physically.  But, Andreescu was clearly worn out from the 2nd set.  Her coach came down on court during the 2nd and 3rd sets, but each time, she complained in an almost winy voice saying that she didn’t know what to do against her opponent to the coach’s words to pump her up.  What’s more, she took two medical time outs, and in the third set, cried out that “her legs were burning,” and that she “was so tired”, indicating that she was reaching her limits, to which the coach told her that she has to push further, beyond her limits.  She rubbed ice bags against her legs every time they took a break, and looked like she was enduring pain during the match.  It seemed that her body was on the verge of breaking down.  On the other hand, Kerber was cool, showing no sign of fatigue, and looked like she had much more mental/physical left than Andreescu. 
So, it was not at all apparent that Andreescu would win the 3rd set, and she herself probably did not have any idea during the match whether she will win.  It seems just that although she was worn down and in pain, she kept on pushing beyond her boundaries, reaching for the ball and hitting back.  Even though this was the case, the result was victory for Andreescu.
Many reasons can be presented why she won looking back, but after we’ve seen the result, any explanation seems like hind sight.

     A wild card in tennis, is a system awarding a player that fails to qualify in the normal way, for example by having a high ranking or winning a qualifying stage.

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